• Gail Reece, the caretaker at the Park from 1956-1980, retires. More information on Gail
• Sewer Project Started in 1979 these photos are from 1980, along Lincoln Avenue in the Park.
• Boutelle's Bakery, was sold by The Boutelle's
• The construction of DLSD sanitary sewer collection system around the lake was completed
• McDonalds opens in Delavan
• Lake experiences one of the worst algae blooms on record.
• Button from Pig Roast in Delavan.
• Button from Octoberfest in Delavan.
• Button from Pig Roast in Delavan.
• 1980’s the Men’s Club raised funds to rebuilt the entrances to Delavan Lake Assembly.
• Kmart opens in Delavan
• Jimmy Carter • Ronald Reagan • George H. W. Bush
• The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is recognized as the cause of HIV/AIDS,
• Construction of the Channel Tunnel begins.
• Invasive species, Zebra mussels, found in the Great Lakes system.
• Delavan Enterprise recaps the first 100 years of the Park (click for the pdf verison).
Thanks to Tom Stapleton for these photos.
• Lake drawdown begins.
• 1989-1993: State, federal and local governments undertake a $7 million restoration project on Delavan Lake and its watershed.
• Concrete "cribs" used to hold piers in place became visible when the lake was drawn down 10ft.
• No fishing signs were posted until 1992.
• Fish were restocked in 1990 and 1991.
• In a joint project of Wisconsin's DR, the City of Delavan, the EPA and the Delavan Lake Sanitary District, the lake was chemically treated.
• The cleaner water was a boom for recreational users of the lake as well as water fowl and growth of aquatic plants.
• Assembly Park residents faced new challenges with aquatic mill foil growth and swimmers itch brought on by a surge in the geese and duck populations.
• You could walk across the lake bed from Assembly Park to Lake Lawn golf course when the lake was lowered
Here is what the Tribune wrote about it...
"DELAVAN, WIS. — It is not shallow enough to reveal the bones of Juliet the elephant. But six weeks of massive pumping have dropped Lake Delavan`s level 10 feet in one of the broadest water-rehabilitation projects ever undertaken, environmental officials say.
Rob Mohr, Caretaker of the Park With the water down to a level where it is cost-effective to apply a toxic substance, hundreds of thousands of carp and buffalo fish will be killed next week to restore ecological balance to the 2,072-acre Delavan Lake.
That`s only part of a $5.5 million local, state and federal program to rehabilitate the lake and its surrounding watershed, and to prevent it from returning to its polluted state. About $3.7 million of that is coming from local taxpayers. There are 2,200 cottages on Delavan Lake, roughly half of them owned by Illinois residents."
Here is a link to the complete Tribune storyThe dropping of the lake level was dropped 10 feet, exposed the concrete cribs used to hold the piers in place. No fishing signs were posted until 1992. This was a joint project of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource, the City of Delavan, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Delavan Lake Sanitary District, the lake was chemically treated, killing all the fish. Fish were restocked in 1990 and 1991.
As of November 2007, the lake is still need of attention. For additional information please see this link to the Delavan Lake Improvement Association.
• 1989-92: Outlet dam modified and outlet dredged.
• 1989 a thank you to all those who prepared this book for the Centennial.